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PDS at Silicon Valley BioMedtech

PDS at Silicon Valley BioMedtech

November 16, 2016

Power Design Services Will Be Attending Silicon Valley’s Premier Event for Medtech Professionals – Stop By December 7th and 8th

Whether it’s mHealth or the Internet of Things (IoT), BIOMEDevice San Jose showcases emerging trends and innovations that will set the tone for the biomed industry in 2017 and beyond. The conference offers training on digital device trends and exploring effective ways to overcome barriers to market entry, all in a two-day Connected Health Device Development Summit. With thousands of attendees, more than 300 leading exhibitors, and numerous thought leaders set to meet face-to-face, BIOMEDevice San Jose is a must-attend opportunity for medtech professionals to accelerate industry knowledge and network.

We’ll be there, come and visit:

BIOMEDevice 2016
San Jose Convention Center
410 Almaden BLVD
San Jose, CA 95110
Booth 219
December 7-8  10am – 4pm

For more information, visit

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