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Challenges in Manufacturing Wearable Devices

Take Advantage of Wearable Device Trends

February 2, 2016

Partner with a Dependable Assembly Company

Wearable devices go beyond the Apple Watch, Fitbit and performance clothing which have dominated our attention recently. Not only is type and functionality of devices increasing, but more players are getting into the fray which means existing manufacturers have no choice but to step up their game. Let’s look at some critical trends in the industry.

  • There’s more to it than Apple and Fitbit: The Apple Watch is not the deal breaker the company would like it to be. In fact, industry experts currently consider Fitbit to be king. However, competition will heat up for Fitbit too as more manufacturers enter the market. China’s Xiomi and Garmin will be particularly interesting to watch. The former’s appeal lies in its inexpensive pricing while the latter has captured the attention of the sports world.
  • Wearables will become more sophisticated: As manufacturers try to increase their market share, the functionality and convenience they provide will be like never before. With sophistication however, comes the higher price tag. This is where wearable device makers must be really careful. Industry experts predict that with nothing being “niche” anymore, price will be an important market determinant. Having said that, wearable payment devices are the much anticipated service in 2016. Many also feel that this is the make-or-break year for virtual reality games, movies, sports, gambling, etc.
  • Sleep could be the new focus: Most of the high-end trackers monitor sleep but at the most basic level. Innovation and sophisticated technology could be geared towards providing more detailed information on sleep patterns as well as help improve users’ sleep quality. After all, sleep is an important part of health, fitness and performance.
  • Attention will be given to lifesaving wearables: From alerts to protect women to medical records and disaster warnings, wearables are being called upon to make a real difference, especially in the developing world. This could see lifesaving wearables receiving more attention.
  • Get ready for the hackers: As wearables increase in popularity, so will hackers’ efforts to conquer them. Poorly written wearable code will expose security flaws and sensitive information. IoT devices like smartphones and activity trackers are expected to become convenient targets.

As the market heats up, manufacturers are likely to go all out to retain their piece of the pie. This could see traditional watchmakers adding smart elements as well as fitness and sports clothing manufacturers refining their sensors for greater effectiveness and comfort, or wearables becoming invisible. Some in the industry feel that the next likely direction wearable devices could take is towards monitoring our minds. Others believe that you might not have to wear them at all as wearable devices will give way to implant technology.

Until then, success is largely dependent on the functionality and efficiency of wearable devices and how quickly they can reach consumers. This typically comes down to viable circuit board designs, quick prototype testing and cost-effective production.

Power Design Services offers world-class circuit board design and manufacturing services for diverse industries including wearable devices, semiconductor testing and manufacturing equipment, telecommunications, industrial equipment and medical devices. We have worked on many ground breaking products such as NASA’s Nano Satellites and Telemetry Solutions GPS Tracking System for Wildlife.  Our clients enjoy advanced PCB design solutions and complete services including PCB design layout review.

Our sprawling 8,000-square foot, ESD-controlled plant is conveniently located near San Jose Mineta International Airport to provide you with fast and efficient service. We deliver special requests within 24 hours. Local pick-up and delivery in Silicon Valley is also available if you need it.

Ask our experts for a customized plan to develop your prototypes or reduce your manufacturing time and cost for an existing product line. Power Design Services can improve your competitive edge and help you stay on top of wearable device trends.

Request a quote for circuit board design, assembly and manufacturing. Call Power Design Services at 408-437-1931 today.

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